Difference So Far

January 2013 – the first trip We gave monetary donations to APS birth centre, Buddhist Child Home, Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled Children’s Hospital. In addition we brought 120kgs of equipment and...

Knitting Squares

Each time we visit Nepal we take beautiful hand knitted blankets made from squares made by our supporters in Australia. We leave baby sized blankets for the babies born at the APS birth centre. Each baby born ...

Beanie Kid

We visit kids in an incredible hospital for rehabilitation of disabled children and give each child a Beanie Kid from Australia. So many young girls and boys in Australia have collections of Beanie Kids that they outg...

Women’s Safe House

In November 2014, Journey Nepal is opened their first safe house refuge for women who have suffered abuse. We have a lovely 4 room house that has some land around it so the women can grow fruit and vegetables. ...

School Computers & Printers

Computers for Fulkharkha School Journey Nepal and Child Reach teamed up to provide the secondary schools in Fulkharka with computers.  The program was a collaboration between Microsoft Innovation Centre Nepal, Nep...


From the academic year 2014 to 2015, Journey Nepal will be offering two scholarships to the secondary school children in the remote area of Fulkharka in the Dhading district. An amount of NRP50,000 (approx US$500) will b...